Thursday, 30 August 2007

They named a festival after me

I'm famous in Australia.
But what a great idea. A festival of emerging writers. I wonder who the audience was (were?) They even had a speed dating between emerging writers and publishers. (My cousin went speed dating once...)
Actually they mixed emerging and emerged writers so there were presumably people in the audience who weren't related to at least one of the readers.
There is a festival I've never been to in Winchester in the UK where there is the opportunity for emergin authors to meet agents and publishers. I wish they would do the same in Ireland, perhaps in Listowel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey emerging writer! I've been to some conferences in the states where the emerging mingle with the emerged -- they're great - should one be close to you try to go. It's nice just to talk writer talk in real time rather than blog time...
