Friday, 10 August 2007

Woman's magazines

There are still some women's magazines who publish short stories. Here are some I have looked at in the past. Do check that they are still in existance and publish short stories. I strongly recommend reading at least one copy to see the type of story they look at. Usually the protagonist is a woman of the same age range that reads the magazine so The Lady will publish stories about women who are older than those from Woman's Weekly. You can usually ask for writers' guidelines.

Bella - Twist in the tail' type of story of 1,000 words and fiction up to 2000 words. Linda O'Byrne, Bella, H Bauer Publishing, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DT. Tel:020 724 8000

Best - Will consider stories of 1,000 words. It’s younger women who enjoy stories that are “young, fresh and lively.” Richardson, Best, 72 Broadwick Street, London W1F 9EP

The Lady for older readers

My Weekly Response time varies from a week to six months.

People's Friend with a touch of nostalgia.

Take a Break - Maximum 2,000 words. 1 page is 700 words, 2 page is 1,200 words. Good plots and a twist in the tale ending. Submit to: John Dale, Take a Break, Academic House, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DT. Response time within 4 weeks.

That's Life - Stories should be written in a chatty, conversational style, preferably with some love interest but not an out-and-out romance. (Max. 1200 words.) 'Twist in the tail' endings are popular too. Jo Checkley, That's Life, H. Bauer Publishing, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DT

The Weekly News I've never seen this paper but they are supposed to take short stories and respond within 2 months,

The People's Friend. 80 Kingsway East, Dundee, DD4 8SL Tel:01382 462276/ 223131
Two serials and several shorts a week. send an S.A.E. for their writers' guidelines. Respond within a month.

Woman's Realm. Kings Reach Tower, Stamford St, London, SE1 9LS Tel:020 7261 5000
Two short stories used every week, 1000 - 2000 words. Ring first.

Women's Weekly publish lots of stories in the magazine and in the fiction specials. Gaynor Davies, Woman's Weekly, IPC Connect Ltd, King's Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LS. Tel: 020 7261 6322
Send s.a.e. for guidelines. Response time 8-16 weeks.

Yours aimed at over 50's.

Now the reason I started to write this entry. I picked up someone's copy of the Irish women's magazine "Woman's Way." They also publish short stories and they used to pay. Now they don't offer any payment. So they want people to write for free. Why would anyone want to do that? Do they pay the printers? Do the newsagent's sell the magazine for free? Does the artist do the illustrations for fun? Does the delivery van driver do it for nothing? I think not. So why should the writer? I think it's disgraceful.

This is what C. Hope Clark says and I agree
"Why are they publishing in the first place? For publicity? For recognition? First of all, who is flipping through these no-pay publications looking for writers to snatch up, offer contracts and pay big money? Secondly, if the only credits a writer has is in nonpaying publications, then what are those credits worth?"


  1. Hi, I'm not sure if this is an old page, or if it has been posted recently. Can you let me know?

  2. Hi Phillipa. No this if from 2007. You'll have to check if any of these magazines still take submissions

  3. Thanks! Really nice of you to answer so quickly.
