Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Stinging Fly short stories

The Stinging Fly Press is seeking submissions of short stories for a new anthology to be published in summer 2008. Last year's anthology These Are Our Lives is still available nad highly recommended (though there are a few duff stories) It featured twenty-two stories.

Post submissions to: PO Box 6016, Dublin 8.

No email submissions accepted.

Word count is less important than making the words count, said the publisher.

All stories must be previously unpublished.

The Stinging Fly Press was founded in 2005 and operates in tandem with The Stinging Fly literary magazine.

Closing date: December 14, 2007.

1 comment:

  1. So you going to sdubmit something? I hoped to, but the stories just aren't knitting for me at the mo.
