Sunday, 17 February 2008

Poetry Competition - Siarsceal Festival

I don't understand the theme of this one.

"Connacht’s Queen Medb"
"Suck Meandering"

What is suck meandering when it's at home? There's nothing shows up on google except things like " life must suck meandering from dead end job to dead end job..." and this competition.
Is it perhaps the River Suck which borders Galway and Roscommon? They may get some interesting poems slightly off the subject.

Usual rules as well as:
• Bilingual poems are encouraged especially poetry submitted in the Irish Language.
• Entries are limited to two poems per person
• Max 60 lines.
• Anonymous
• Closing date Friday February 29th 2008 - the leap day.
and it seems to be free.

1st prize the perpetual "Hanna Greally Award" Trophy and €100.
2 runners-up will each receive a Certificate and €50.

Judge : Ann Joyce. The winners will be invited to read during the Festival Launch.

Send to:
Richie Farrell,
County Librarian,
Roscommon County Library,
Abbey Street,

For further details contact Gwen McNamara Bond at
Ph: 087-2628191


  1. Hi there,
    Yes, 'Suck meandering' does refer to the River Suck. I know the organisers so I can confirm this,
    All the best,

  2. Thanks WRW for confirming this. You may want to mention it to the organisers unless they want to be inundated with varying versions of suck!
