Tuesday, 18 March 2008

A Festival of New Plays by Kildare Playwrights

Riverbank Arts centre presents:

The Murder Machine
by Caoimhe Corbett
12.00 noon

Don’t Say It Out Loud
by Sara Darcy

Over The Top
by John Martin

As well as these productions you can experience daily rehearsed readings of:

Two Halves . . . . . . by John Murray 6.00pm
Pick of the Lot . . . by Claire Boylan 4.30pm
The Time Machine . . . by Amy Larkin and Paula Murphy 1pm
Changing Times . . . . by Ruth Powderly and Paige Byrne 1pm

This week is packed full with imagination, humour & high drama.
Running from Wednesday 19th March to Saturday 22nd

These writers and many others have been working over the last year to bring their dramatic ideas to fruitition. They’ve been assisted in their efforts by Eugene O’Brien (Pure Mule) Peter Hussey (Director KYT) and Mary Linehan.
Now they are ready to show you these plays; the first they’ve ever written.
Talent like this needs support and nurturing, now it's your turn.


  1. I love the picture! Where did it come from and what is the story behind it.

    Good luck with your writing.

    Best wishes


  2. Hi Annie and Loman, thanks for dropping by. I usually just google an image with a phrase, probably sweeney todd. Did you see the movie?
