Thursday, 24 April 2008



Well I didn't win the Hennessy award but, as everyone keeps saying, it's brilliant just to be nominated. I was extremely ungracious and slightly violent in a quiet way, which is most unlike me. So sorry to anyone I dissed or swore at or whatever. Really, I'm a nice person! Anyway, it was a great event. I talked to loads of extremely talented, charming, kind, enthusiastic and good looking people. Sorry I missed Evelyn. I thought I talked to everyone. I'm hoping the nive PR lady will send me some of the many, many photos. It was just like a wedding, lots of standing around and photos and talking to people you thught you recognised but turned out not to be a relative from your side but someone you saw once at a book launch, type of thing.

Shortlist and winners with all the links I could dredge up:
First Fiction:
Evelyn Walsh - The Lump
Brian Kirk - Worm
Tony O'Reilly - A Living Thing
WINNER Michael O'Higgins - The Great Escape
Dan MacGuill - The Knife
Simon Henderson - Scene From A Bar - Remember Giselle

Emerging Fiction:
Nicola Jennings - Muscle Memory
WINNER and OVERALL WINNER Valerie Sirr - Summer Rain
Mark Kilroy - Bog People
Kate Demspey - I Don't Watch the End
Mary Burke - Shakespeare's Daughter
Lawrence Byrne - Housekeeping

Emerging Poetry:
Bernadette McCarrick - Christmas, Villenelle
Monica Ni Choilean - The Proposal
Michelle O'Sullivan - The Kiss of Judas, Reverie, Future Tense
Michael Massey - Old Men Ride Old Hondas, In Stillness, The Glint of a Winchester
Aoife Casby - Bringing Tea to the men working with Maloney's combine...
WINNER Mary Madec - In Other Words

I'm over it now (really) and writing away so I hope you are all doing the same.


  1. Been there (twice) so I recognise the quiet, ungracious violence. But, a few glasses of wine later, and you get over it. Who did win?

  2. Commiserations, but as you say, it's great to get a nomination.

    Who won? Is there any details about it online?

  3. Self-centeredly forgot to write up the winners so I've added them now. Some of the stories and poems are on the Trib website and some aren't. Enjoy and make up your own minds. The poetry suffers though from formatting problems so it's much harder to judge

  4. Commiserations Kate. Better look next time. I can never find your story online. I'm dying to read it (hint hint and i know i should've bought the paper!)

  5. Hey - hard luck this time, but congrats on getting there! It's just like a ramped up version of all those early rejections form journals/editors etc. - each one a step towards the next success! Thanks for all the links too!
