The struggles of an emerging writer to get published. What exactly is it that I'm emerging from? Some kind of primeval literary goo?
Thursday, 15 May 2008
More Blogs worth a visit
Book/Daddy is Jerome Weeks gossiping about books
Bookgirl is addicted to books in Dallas.
Deb Carr's Daydreams
Claire's Diary of a Mad Mammy
Editorial Anonymous gives the inside view.
Fiction is Stranger than Fact
Fiction Scribe blogs about writing and writers.
Chris's Home Thoughts Weekly from Wales.
Light, Sweet and Crude blogs wittily about writing down under.
Liz Fenwick sometimes writes in Cornwall
Mark Granier, the poet blogs on Lightbox.
Nathan Branford is a literary agent who posts about how to submit stuff, amongst other things.
Patricia Woods aboard SV Orion wrote 'Lottery'
Real E Fun writing by a humanist funeral director.
Sean McLachlan is a Midlist writer.
The Short Review reviews short stories.
Jim Murdoch blogs at The Truth about Lies. Check out his metaphor post.
Tea Stains is a British writer in Thailand.
Wordcounting from Fiona, a chicklit writer.
Liane Spicer blogs at Wordtryst about writing her book Cafe Au Lait
Writing at the Window is Kerry's writer's blog.
Writing Forward a US site talks about the technicalities of writing.
Writing Nag is blogging when she should be writing.
Some great recommendations there :o)