Thought I'd pass this on from the writing about writing blogspot.
A Get Your Stilletto in the Door contest based in the US for various different types of chick lit novels.
Open to all chick lit writers who have not signed a publishing contract for novel-length fiction within five years of the contest deadline. The entry must have a projected minimum of 75,000 words (35,000 words for Young Adult).
Deadline:June 15, 2008
All entrants will receive detailed score sheets and judges' comments from the preliminary round. This is worth the entry fee, I think. They have a sample on the site so you can see what you're paying for.
They want the first 35 pages and a synopsis (up to 5 double-spaced pages) so you don't even have to have finished your novel.
Fee: $30 with paypal.
I am so appreciative for the immense work that you take to conduct the contest. We are very glad to have this oppurtunity and thanks for sharing this information