Friday, 1 August 2008

Books of Fury from the Crockett and Powell blog

So I'm not the only one who doesn't like bent spines, folded down corners, notes in the margin etc. Which I suppose is a bit silly if the book in question cost 5 Euro from Tesco...

And am I the only one with a thing about stationary? I can't walk by a stationary shop. And the stationary cupboard at work is like a little temple - pens, pencils (I always write in pencil) rubbers, sharpeners and most of all, notebooks. Yum.


  1. I always wanted to buy one of those little mannequin things from stationary shops.

    any time I walk by a shop I'm still compelled to go in and buy one.

  2. Post of the year!

    I think it's nearly as bad as hurting a child or an animal when somebody breaks the spine of a book needlessly.

    And seconded on the stationery thing too. Fancy notebooks ftw!

  3. I LOVE stationery! I have a mania for all sorts of pens and pencils and cards, especially greeting cards.F
