Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Novel Writing course

I have this email from the Irish Writers Centre which is usually quite sane but this is madness.

5-day Intensive Creative Writing Course with Carlo Gébler
28 July – 1 August, 10am to 4pm
limited to 10 partipants.

The purpose of the course will be to help those who want to write, advance or finish a novel. By the end of the week, participants will have a much clearer idea of how to advance or finish a complex piece of work.

But here's the sucker punch - 650 Euro.

I mean, what? Who has that sort of money? What do you get out of it? A 2 book deal? I think not. Is Carlo Gebler God, all knowledgable, all powerful, superman type of writer? Does he get undressed in phoneboxes? I think not. What is he going to do that's worth a total of 6,500 Euro?

Or am I misguided. You get what you pay for and all that?


  1. Whoah! I'm wondering if there's some typo in there, like an extra nought?

    And the thoughts of Mr. Gebler in a phone box changing outfits - steady on, now! That's an image and a half... ooh, I think I feel a poem coming on...

  2. Yeah, it's got to be a mistake....right? Nobody could teach you enough in that space of time to be worth €650.

  3. You'd be better off paying for a reputable critique if you must shell out, in my opinion :o)

  4. No mistake with the zeros according to their site.

    I'd say more but well... what else can I say?!

  5. What I'd like is for someone who did the course to tell us all about it. Anyone out there?
