Friday, 22 August 2008

More UK Literary Magazines #2

Here's an interesting website Duotrope, for researching potential markets for your fiction. You can search in terms of genre, country, payment etc. It's American based and some US magazines are confusingly marked as UK but it threw up some UK markets I hadn't heard of.

Aesthetica publishes fiction and poetry and has a competition, deadline 1st September for submissions for their annual. See website for details.

Brand takes material not published before in the UK and pays £30. Short Stories, poetry and more. They are looking for new writing that takes risks; has a strong voice; is challenging.

The First Line accepts stories using the first line shown on the website for the issue. Pays $20 plus a copy

The London Magazine accepts short stories and poetry. They don't pay due to their arts council grant running out. (I bet they don't say 'sorry we can't pay you' to their printers) Bi-monthly.

Poetry Review is the quarterly Poetry Society publication. High Standard. You can read some online. There's a fabulous poem by Thomas Lynch. No information on submissions or payment.

Planet is very Welsh centred.

Pulsar Poetry is produced twice a year. They give a copy of the magazine. Email or snailmail.

Rattle publishes poetry. They say "we are looking for poems that move us, pieces that might make us laugh or cry, or teach us something new. Since our issues include about 80-100 pages of poetry, one of the main things we're looking for is diversity; we have enough room to be eclectic." Payment is 2 copies. Response usually 4-8 weeks.

The Rialto is a mainstream poetry magazine. Response about 10 weeks.

Quattrocentro accepts prose and poetry. Payment is a copy of the magazine only.

Shearsman publishes contemporary poetry twice a year.

Smiths Knoll pay £20. There are some issues available to read online and if you live in the UK, they'll send you a free copy.

South publish twice a year. Snailmail only with form from the website.

Weyfairers publish twice a year. Email or snailmail. Payment is a magazine copy.


  1. Good list EW, right on the money.

  2. a good list, unfortunately Brand no longer takes submissions and Smiths Knoll has published its last volume.

  3. Thanks M. This is 5 years old. Would you like to write an updated post and I'll blog it?
