Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Tara with Poetry and Music

Surely there's a compromise that politicians and campaigners can meet halfway. I do not doubt that the N3 needs to be upgraded but there has to be a less contentious route. Common sense isn't common practise.

Save Tara campaigners have managed to land a coup for their “Feis Teamhra, a turn at Tara” on the Hill of Tara, Co Meath on Sunday 24th August at 3.30pm.

Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney and Paul Muldoon, Pulitzer prize-winner, will read their poetry to honour Tara and they will be joined by musicians: Grammy award-winner Susan McKeown, Laoise Kelly, Aidan Brennan and others.

The event will celebrate Tara on the first day of Heritage Week and will be free of charge. The music and poetry will be performed to the backdrop of the Mound of the Hostages – veer to the left after entering the site, pass the Churchyard and walk towards the Mound.


  1. There's another event in support of Tara at Cassidy's, Dublin, on Sunday 7th of September, 3pm through Seven Towers: theme is Kings and Heroes.

  2. Yes, this a major coup for the campaigners and I'd guess it will have quite an impact on public opinion ...unless Heaney turns up in camo wearing ratstail dreads and mildly spliffed :-) You going along?

  3. Hi,

    Can't go myself. I'm not sure, big names though they are, that they'll make a huge difference. Didn't someone say Poetry can't change anything. I'm not sure now if they were being ironic but if a few poets can move a road, that would be a first.

  4. Auden said that 'Poetry changes nothing,' but he did write a helluva a lot of it, in fairness ;)

  5. Maybe, but then Heaney is such a respected public figure and doesn't put his name to causes lightly? I'd guess a fair portion of middle ireland, who mightn't have much sympathy for perceived raggle taggle protestors, might pay a bit more attention. As you say, It's a shame the debate has become so entrenched (!)

  6. Heaney cancelled, on the day it was announced... There's another event on Monday:

    ‘Should the Hill of Tara be a UNESCO World Heritage Site?’

    In April 2008, the Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, announced he intended to seek UNESCO status for Tara, despite the M3 motorway being built within the Tara complex. Does the M3 detract from Tara’s outstanding universal value? Is UNESCO status a bad idea anyway? Should UNESCO seek a re-routing of the M3 now? Please come along and participate in this debate, which will be followed by music and poetry by Melanie O’Reilly and Friends.

    Title: Heritage Week Debate/Concert Regarding Hill of Tara

    Venue: United Arts Club. 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 View Map

    Date: Monday, 25 August 2008

    Time: 6:00pm to 11.00pm

    Fee: Suggested donation 10 Euro


    Reception: 6:00-7:00pm

    Debate: 7:00-9:00pm - ‘Should the Hill of Tara be made a UNESCO World Heritage Site?’

    Music: 9:00-11.00pm - Melanie O’Reilly and friends.

    Host: TaraWatch


    Call +353-(0)87-132-3365 or email
