Friday, 5 December 2008

Brian Moore Short Story Award 2009

from the lovely Woman Rule Writer blog.

The Brian Moore Short Story Award 2009, judged by Richard Bausch, is now open!
Deadline 1st March 2009

1st Prize £750
2nd Prize £300
3rd Prize £200

Word count limit: 2000

Open to Irish writers and to writers of Irish descent living anywhere in the world.
(How do they know? Do they check passports?)

This year’s judge, the renowned American short-story writer, Richard Bausch will be in Belfast in May 2009 to announce the contest winners.


  1. Thank you for visiting today!! ;-)

    I'm also glad that you specified who the contest is for...guess I won't qualify, but I can cross my fingers that you win!!

  2. thanks bfs. I don't have an Irish passport either.
