Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Links to sooth the soul

Amanda Earl is an early Canadian blogger, that's an early blogger, not an early Canadian.

Arts Management blog here from the Arts Management MA in University College Dublin.

Bernardine Evaristo's blog about her lovely life as a working poet.

Fearghus is a choreographer using a blog Bodies and Buildings to share his work.

Dilbert blog. Office Life. Nuff said.

Freelance Writing Tips has tips and more.

G*L*O is the Graduate Literary Organization blogging about fairly academic creative writing in the US.

Hell or High Water is Beth blogging about freelancing opportunities.

Joanna Waugh has Body Language Cues to Emotion

Misplaced Musings is Melissa Shcupe blogging about her Self of Steam.

Omaniblogger blogs about arts and mental health from Cork.

The Good Mood Food Blog has lovely recipes and mouth watering pictures from a very cheerful looking Donal.

Two Wheels on my Wagon - Catherine blogs about writing, cycling and not passing her driving test.

When Venn met Music here

Wired for books has lots of mp3 recordings of writers.


  1. Thanks Ew,how do you find all these? The 'Wired for books' site is deadly and so many writers! I'm listening to William Burroughs right now saying that the only drug he couldn't write under the influence of was alcohol.(it's usually the other way around isn't it?)I'll have to put a rake of these on the MP3 player for when I'm out and about.Adios amigo,to infinity,and beyond!

  2. Thanks for the link to my list of body language cues to emotion!

  3. Thanks for the link to the body language cues to emotion list on my website!
