Sunday, 8 February 2009

Culture Ireland

Culture Ireland promotes the Irish Arts abroad. In December 2008 they spent

52,000 Euro on Film
105,900 Euro on Visual Arts
185,250 Euro on Music
and a whopping 390,000 Euro on Theatre and Dance.

Guess how much they spent on Literature. No. Guess.
18,100 Euro

Current deadlines 15 February for events happening from May onwards, so forward planning is the key here. If anyone wants me to do a reading abroad, ask me now!

I mean I know staging things costs more but it seems out of proportion to me. I imagine their funding will be cut this year.

Literature Across Frontiers/Vona Groarke and Conor O'Callaghan performing at the Literary Café and Academy, Prague, on the 17th and 18th February 2009 900 Euro

Maurice Scully giving poetry readings in various venues, California from the 1st - 7th April 2009 800 Euro

Paul Perry giving readings at the University of Central Missouri and in the Writers Place, Kansas City in March 2009 1,000

Billy Ramsell giving readings at the March Hare Poetry Festival, Newfoundland, Canada from the 11th - 14th March 2009 1,500 Euro

Edition Rugerup/ Nimrod Forlagab/Gabriel Rosenstock and translator giving a reading at the Leipzig Book Fair on the 13th March 2009 1,500 Euro

Kevin Higgins and Susan Millar DuMars giving readings at the 2009 AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programmes) Conference in Chicago from the 11th - 14th February 2009 1,400 Euro

The Munster Literature Centre/William Wall and Thomas McCarthy giving readings at the Shanghai Literary Festival and Irish Week from the 10th - 15th March 2009 2,500 Euro

Perth Writers Festival / Sebastian Barry participating in the Perth Writers Festival, Australia from the 26th February - 2nd March 2009 2,500 Euro

Oilibhéar Ó Braonáin / Dr Ian Malcolm to give a public lecture on the Irish Language and the Ulster Protestant tradition at the European School, Luxembourg on 12th February 2009 1,000 Euro

Alliance Francaise Dublin presenting the 10th Franco-Irish Literary Festival in Dublin Castle on the 3rd- 4th April 2009 5,000 Euro
I went to this last year. It was very good. Recommended, depending on the readers.

Note the application deadline for events from May onwards is 15th February so get a move on.

1 comment:

  1. That is a measly sum for literature - says it all...
