Saturday, 23 May 2009

Frogmore Papers Poetry Competition

Here's one due v. soon.


Prizes: 200 guineas and a two-year subscription to The Frogmore Papers, 75 guineas and 50 guineas and a year's subscription.
Shortlisted poets will receive copies of selected Frogmore Press publications. Previous winners of the Prize include Tobias Hill and Mario Petrucci

Judge: Robert Seatter lives in London. He has worked as a teacher, actor, journalist and in publishing, and currently works for the BBC. He has published two collections, On the Beach with Chet Baker (Seren, 2006) and Travelling to the Fish Orchards (Seren, 2002).

Fee: £3 per poem (not guineas?!)

Conditions include:

unpublished, and not accepted for future publication. 40 lines max. Other conditions on their website where you can also read previous winners for a good idea of what they want.

Deadline: 31 May 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Guineas? Are they kidding? That's a bit La-de-dah Gunner Graham, isn't it? At least the entry fee is more reasonable than most so fair play to them for that.
