Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Interesting Links

Ten Mistakes to avoid in your writing - not the usual list. Thought provoking.

In fact, read some more of the Holt Uncensored blog.

Reality strikes. What a New York Times top 20 author actually earns here.

Tania from TaniaWrites blog explains here some realities of publishing with Salt, a smaller publishers.

The blog for Collins (sorry Chambers!) Dictionary has some gems. Read this post on Textonyms - why my mother always signs off as nun.

Carolyn Jess-Cooke's recipe for Betty Crocker-style success.

How to decipher your rejection letter from Nicola at Help I need a publisher or maybe an agent


  1. Another interesting link, perhaps?


  2. The blog about textonyms is actually for The Chambers Dictionary, not Collins ;)

  3. I love that 10 mistakes list. very good advice, I must say.
