Thursday, 14 May 2009

Irish Writers Centre

The Irish Writers Centre is struggling to restablish itself. It's putting on a sort of taster week - not a bad idea considering how expensive the courses can be.

Monday May 18th @ 6.30 p.m.
The Irish Writers' Centre Presents Juliet Bressan
Admission free

Reading by author and Creative Writing tutor Juliet Bressan.

Juliet Bressan is a graduate of UCG and the bestselling author of Snow White Turtle Doves and Entanglement.
She studied for a degree in Creative Writing and Literature with the Open University before writing her first book in a workshop at the Irish Writers Centre – she then went on to sign a four book contract with Poolbeg.

Tuesday May 19th @ 1.15 p.m.
The Irish Writers' Centre Presents Jean O'Brien
Admission free

Reading by leading poet and Fish Poetry Prize 2008 winner Jean O'Brien.

Tuesday May 19th @ 6.30 p.m.
The Irish Writers' Centre Presents Helen Dwyer & Brendan Nolan
Admission free

Joint reading by author and Chair of the Irish Writers' Union Helen Dwyer and author, Journalist, Editor of and Final Draft and Executive Committee Member of the Irish Writers' Union Brendan Nolan

Wednesday May 20th @ 6.30 p.m.
Poetry Ireland in association with the Irish Writers’ Centre presents
a reading by Mark Baker, Olive Broderick, Jane Clarke & Miceál Kearney
Admission free

Togra na Bealtaine in Áras na Scríbhneóiri / Bealtaine Project at The Writer’s Centre
Weeklong Workshop at The Writer’s Centre in creative writing in Irish, in both Prose and Poetry.

Location: The Writers’ Centre, 19 Parnell Square. Dublin 1.

These workshops will be directed by Jack Harte (prose)
and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill (poetry)

Time;---Monday , May 18 th to Friday , May 22 nd (inclusive)

These workshops will be free and filled on a first-come first-in basis. So hurry up because places are limited,

The workshops are being funded by Foras na Gaeilge.


  1. I've attended a few courses at IWC, which worked out at about 20 Euro per evening and was good value for the experience.

    Perhaps course could have been cheaper if the salaries for those employed full-time at the centre hadn't been so high, or were those salaries entirely grant funded, I don't know...

  2. I've tagged you for '8 things', if you'd be so kind..!
