Thursday, 28 May 2009

What do you want first?

The Good News:

I have 5 pieces accepted on the Quiet Quarter on Lyric FM on the theme of swimming. I'm recording them and will let you know the week so you can listen in either live or afterwards forever more on your Mp3/iPod or online.

The Bad News:
I was rejected by the Stinging Fly again. Both for my fantastic short stories and then for my brilliant poems. It's the same story for years. I have to accept that there are some publications that just gon't 'get' me and my stuff. Move on. Nothing more to see here.

Then, rejected by Poetry Ireland Review, New editor, new criteria.

Then, rejected from Acumen magazine. Very fast response.

I have enjoyed reading them but unfortunately am not able to make an offer for any this time. I found a lot to like here, but unfortunately nothing appealed quite enough for me to shortlist any.

I get around 5,000 poems a year and as I only publish 50 per issue,

And lastly (for now) Southword, a nice rejection
all different, all intriguing, competition is fierce, yadda, yadda, yadda

Their loss!


  1. Congratulations on the radio gig. Sounds like you're keeping busy (!)--good luck with the next batch of submissions, when the rejections you got this time sound so positive.

  2. I am sorry to hear of the rejections, but congratulations of the Lyric FM broadcast! In terms of audience, that's a great coup!

    Selfishly about the Stinging Fly, when did you hear from them? I'm wondering now if I should query them since I too submitted. Thanks!

  3. did southword actually say yadda, yadda, yadda, ?
    Anyway well done on the good news, and thanks for sharing the bad, makes rest of us feel less like losers!!

  4. Thanks for your congrats and commisserations.

    I heard for poetry on 18th and story on 14th. I know other poets who have heard in the affirmative and a few (excellent) fiction writers who've also been rejected.

  5. Thank you for the info! Maybe I'm in the intermediate queue...
