Thursday, 17 September 2009

One Day short story workshop

The Irish Writers Centre are offering a one day workshop, more affordable for the impoverished amoung us.

Writing the Short Story with Michael J. Farrell

Writing the Short Story
17 October 2009
10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fee: €70

Applicants should write the first page of their next short story and submit it by the 1st of September (or not - this seems to have been a nive to have). He ’ll be looking for an attention-grabbing first sentence, a scintillating first paragraph (the writer to decide what is attention-grabbing and scintillating). The page should introduce at least one main character and hint what the story is about.

Applicants are welcome to suggest some aspect of short story writing for possible discussion. Send the first page of your story to

Irish Writers' Centre
19 Parnell Sq
Dublin 1


  1. Submit it by the 1st September, Kate?

  2. That came in the blurb. It's not on the website. I'd imagine they are not fully subscribed yet (if at all) expensive.
