Saturday, 7 November 2009

Birthday Post

Not posting today. It's my birthday. Have a virtual slice on me.

And if you go here and click the podcast marked "Kate Thompson July 24th," it isn't Kate Thompson, it's me. Enjoy.


  1. Happy Birthday! My word that cake looks delicious. I shall have ny 'virtual' slice with a nice cup of tea in a minute. Thank you. And I hope you've had a lovely day.

    Julie xx

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Lovely cake, any champers?Pip pip!Hooray!

  3. Happy birthday!! Cake looks delicious - the comment verification word is bakewar!

  4. Thanks everyone. Cake delicious. Great weekend in sunny (sometimes) West Cork.

    Did anyone download my podcast?

  5. I did, very touching, altho thanks to the magic of skype I guess at least part of the splash is onscreen too!?

  6. Yip ,listened to and Enjoyed the PODCOSTO.I liked the arm band air letting out letting go swimming type thing reminded me of being taught to ride a bicyclo with dad holding onto the saddle and then he wasn'tbut i thought he was and then when i knew he wasn't i fell off.And no I wasn't drunk but i did crash a bicyclo into a train when i was older and i was drunk then.this has no relevence.

  7. Happy Birthday ! love your blog,
    if interested in adding new blog to your list, I have just started one called

    From a female Irish sort of writer

  8. Belated Happy Birthday! Yummy-looking cake thank you:)

  9. Thanks. Always happy to share virtual calories.
    Sort of - are you sort of female? sort of writer or sort of Irish? Just curious
