Thursday, 12 November 2009

Sunday Miscellany

Berlin Wall 1990

Result! After many years of trying to get a piece accepted on this radio show (RTE Radio 1 Sunday morning at 9:10) I'm in. I first sent something in in 2002 so perseverance is key. I wasn't at all continuous, please understand, more off than on, but I did send in my share. Some, on re-reading, were rubbish. Some weren't. This one is spot on.

Listen in on Sunday 15th November at 9:10 am or listen to the podcast later. I think it will start the programme.

I think some new voices would be good for the programme.

I hope to this space.


  1. Congratulations on your success! I look forward to hearing your piece via podcast.

  2. Congratulations! I'll definitely listen in; nice way to wake up on Sunday!

  3. Well done EW, glad to hear you've cracked it. About time too :)

  4. Brilliant - well done, Oh Perseverant One! In the words of Bananarama, "...and that's what gets results."
