Saturday, 23 January 2010

Reading Tour

I am proud to announce my Spring tour. I'm calling it my Lizard tour, as in lounge lizard, as most are in bars. I'll be popping up in many places in Ireland.

If anyone runs poetry readings and wants to talk to me about putting your town on the map (tongue in cheek here), contact me. Email is top of the sidebar. I'd love to add somewhere in the North, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford, Ennis, West Cork, Kildare and Sligo, amongst others.

And please, please come along. I'll be ever-so grateful. There's nothing worse than reading to a room of people who consist of the organisers, the barstaff and other readers.

Monday 25th January 9pm
Glor at the International Bar, Suffolk St, Dublin
This is a Haiti Fundraiser
The wonderful weekly mix of Spoken word and music, not to be missed. If you can't make my date, do check it out another Monday night. Recommended. Run by Stephen James Smith

Thursday 4th February 8pm
On The Nail, The Locke Bar, George's Quay, Limerick.
Organised by The Limerick Writers' Centre. Also featuring Fergus Costelloe, a performance poet from Tipperary.I don't think I know anyone in Limerick, do I?

Monday 8th March 8.30 for 9.00pm
Ó Bhéal Upstairs at The Long Valley, Winthrop Street, Cork.
Original poetry, storytelling and unplugged ceol. Looking forward to this. All the out-laws should be there.

There's more but I'm out of time. Watch this space

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, EW cometh forth! Enjoy Cork and say hi, Limerick should be good, and Glor will rock :) Be gorgeous ;;)
