Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Review of the Year

Belated Review of 2009.

A good year on an upward trend.
374 blog posts, that's more than one a day, you lucky readers. Some long, some wordy, some cut and paste, some wishful, some boastful, some regretful.
A few poems, two short stories, one article and one non-fiction piece published or broadcast. A good few readings (some even paid), 2 grants (to pay for the non-paid stuff and residencies) and loads of rejections.

Productive week in Annaghmakerrig with one poet and an eleven piece Jazz Band. Worked mainly on novel but also some popping poems and a short story buffing.

Repeated my Lyric FM/Quiet Quarter Tree piece (see sidebar for podcast)
My poem, The Flight of Swallows shortlisted for the Grist anthology, judged by Simon Armitige, University of Huddersfield. Published in October/November.

Attended Poetry Workshop at the Dublin Book Fair with Maeve McGuckian.
Accepted on Poetry Ireland Writers in School scheme

My poem, This Poem illustrated and exhibited at NGG Gallery in Temple Bar with readings.
Lyric FM/Quiet Quarter to include by Beech Tree piece in their anthology published December

Grant from South Dublin County Council to write poems. Yay.
Lyric FM Quiet Quarter record and paid for pieces (but never broadcast) see sidebar for podcast

Volunteered at the Dublin Writers' Festival. Brilliant fun.
Taught a short story workshop in Dundalk. Great group. Always learn something myself.

Travel piece, Hidden Gems published in the Irish Times.
Poem Verbatim finally published in the lovely magazine The Shop

Triumphant appearance of the Poetry Diva Collective at CastlePalooza Festival on the main stage
Warmly received appearance of the Poetry Diva Collective at Flat Lake Festival, Radio Butty on the back of a horse box.
Short Story Ginny Blythe Writes Down the Complete Honest Truth published in Sunday Tribune. Up for the Hennessy now.

Damp and delicious appearances of the Poetry Diva Collective at Electric Picnic, literary stage and in Body and Soul
Taught a children's writing workshop at the Hugh Lane Gallery
Bursary for writing poetry from the Arts Council. Yay
Poem Developing Shadows published in Derry magazine Abridged

Taught teen workshop in Clara Library. Inventive.
5 days respite in Annaghamakkerig. Not long enough.
Interviewed by the Legend that is Niamh on Liffey Sound radio
Read a chocolate cake poem at the Chocolate Festival, Temple Bar

Read at Glor, International Bar. Great fun. Will do it again if they'll have me.
Read poem at Grist launch in Huddersfield
Sunday Miscellany took a piece on the Berlin Wall for the anniversary. (See sidebar for podcast)

Short story The End of the Ice Age published in Kay's BOok, South Dublin County Libraries
Volunteered at Fighting Words. Great fun.
Taught a teen workshop in Newbridge. Great bunch of boys.

Crannog (again, giving up on them), Stingy Fly (yet again), Strokestown (yet again) Mslexia short story and poems (again) Southword (again, glad though, as they went online and I'm not keen) Kildare County Council, Poetry Ireland Review, Listowel Poetry Collection, Fiddlehead (Canada,) Smiths Knoll (UK,) Acumen (UK,) Dart Poetry Competition, Dromineer, Inkspotters (Canada,) Troubadour (UK,) Varilux short story, Poetry Can (UK,) Patrick Kavanagh (again, though they sent a nice, encouraging letter,) Contrary (US)

My aspirations for 2010 are pending.


  1. Brilliant, a very good year's work, Well done on it all.... onwards and upwards!!

  2. Phew, I'm just breathless reading it all!

  3. congrats - that's quite a list of accomplishments. I get a strong sense of determination - good on you. Best of luck in 2010!

  4. Most impressive. Especially the amount of submissions you made. Good luck in the Hennessy's!!

  5. Thanks everyone. I think it's salutory to review the year, positives and negatives. I was going to keep it to myself but ...what the heck...

  6. What a year! Congratulations! Happy New Year!!
