Thursday, 7 January 2010

What Did I Not Do in 2009?

I haven't got used to this twenty-ten thing yet...

I was rereading what I said this time last year. Review of the Year 2008

What did I not do that I meant to? I asked last year.
- Finish my novel
- Get my poetry collection finished/published
- Finish my novel
- Earns lots of money so I can concentrate on finishing my novel
- Get a bursary so I can concentrate on finishing my novel
- Finish my novel

Nothing I can take away from that. My novel is creeping along like a sick snail. I did get a bursary, very nice but not enough to live on, eat and pay the mortgage. What I have been using it for is:
- to do some readings that aren't always paid enough to cover costs, petrol, staying overnight somewhere
- buy copies of journals, books and magazines to support independent presses (recommended for anyone with a few bob)
- go to Annaghmakkerig for a writing retreat
- go to other people's readings and festival a bit more regularly

Is there anything else from 2009 I meant to do but didn't? Things that are within my control, I mean. Not like win the lottery or get another job. I should have done a workshop or two with established, inspirational writers.


  1. Ummmm, I'm all for beating myself up - in fact I do it all the time but doesn't writing half a novel mean you're halfway to the end?! Positive thinking needed for 2010:)

  2. I like the way you're thinking, Thanks Niamh

  3. I think congratulate yourself for getting a bursary, and decide that the majority of your goals for 2009 were actually part of a 'two-year' plan, so this year all the hard work will pay off!

  4. 2 year plan - perfect. Thanks Jayne.

  5. I try not to make plans in case I let myself down (which is odd because I respond well to deadlines - maybe someone else should make my resolutions for me?!) but it sounds like you did pretty well :o) Best of luck for 2010.

  6. Sounds mighty impressive to me! I congratulate myself if I get the washing done. And the blog is good too, don't forget. So's the image of the sick snail. Give it Guinness: it will get there. It is getting there!
