Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Interesting Links

Poems on the Dart here. Cecilia McGovern, Eamonn Bonner and John O'Donnell's poems. Anyone seen these on a train?

Alien versus Pooh (as in Winnie the)

Ten Commandments for the Happy Writer from Nathan Bransford

Fablus post on spell-chequer from Strictly Writing 

Poem on th reality of Poetry Readings on Michael Farry's blog.

Words not to use in poems from Bill Posters. Ever used any of these? Shard,  seep, pellucid, myriad, woe, curlicue, soul, mind, pent, hence, yonder.

15 words contemporary poets overused from World Class Poetry Blog

I'd add: Alas, burgeon, breast (really, do we need so many?) anything relating to masturbation (boring), fuck (boring and lazy), heart (overused) also fragile, fragment, tears, soul, ripe, soar, I, my, mine, the (check, you can often leave it out) and (can often use a comma) pare.

What words would you add?

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed both your list and the one over at World Class Poetry.
