If you're around, do call into Radio Butty. An experienced to be recommended.
Saturday, 6 March, noon to midnight
Upstairs at the Lord Edward Pub, 23 Christ Church Place Dublin 8
The Good Room
Pop into author Kate Kerrigan’s Good Room - the best china will be out and it’s your chance for a cosy mingle with Dublin’s lovely laydee nov’lists who’ll be dropping by for chit-chats over tea. There’ll be a custard cream there with your name on it. The day includes the Good Room Games and The Priests Tea Party. See below for further details
Captain Butty 6pm to midnight
Attention all you book-lovers, spectacle- wearing librarians and beavering biographers - Dublin Book Festival’s professsor-in- residence, the right honourable Captain Butty will be appearing on March 6th, aided by his trusty assistants Tommy Subjunctive and Dr Niamh Litotes, who will be spinning the discs and unearthing steamy nuggets about the love lives and curious peccadilloes of such shadow-hugging library attenders as W.B. Yeats, Dr Conkey Swiddlington-Snot and Stew ‘I Call Him Henry’ Mc Elligott, author of ‘100000000078 books you must read before you die’.
Schedule of Events:
Good Room opens with Angeles - decade rosary
12.05 to 1pm – Boxty with Brunker.
Good Room Hostess Kate Kerrigan interviews media darling and best selling novelist Amanda Brunker over plates of home-made Boxty which they'll be making FROM SCRATCH.
1pm-2pm Ladies who Lunge.
A hang sangwich lunch where guests best selling novelists and TV stars Claudia Carroll and Anita Notaro discuss the state of the Irish male and how the Irish female in fiction had changed.
2-3pm: Good Room games.
An hour of madness where you can Bring Your Girlfriend to Meet My Mother (to see if he/she is Suitable Marriage Material), Get the Messages for Mammy, or guess how many marbles are in the jar of the Child Who Can Be Seen and Not Heard. Free custard creams for everyone!
3-4pm Kate Kerrigan
Kate Kerrigan reads from her new novel Ellis Island (with special guest, the dfamous balladeer Dolores O’Flaherty from Dungannon)
4-5pm Open poetry slam- and party pieces
3-4pm Priests tea Party
Father Tony presides over an hour of sing-along folk hymns, Who Can Say The Quickest Mass competition and Guess The Saint
6pm: Angeles
6.01pm to midnight – Captain Butty rocks the airwaves with classic tunes and on-the-hoof interviews and we’ll Hucklebuck ‘til dawn.
Look forward to seeing you there - no chips allowed.
Your friend
C.Butty’ (Patrick McCabe)
looks like piles of fun
ReplyDeleteI'd come for the Ladies who Lunge and Guess the Saint alone.