Monday, 12 April 2010

Reading in Trim

(Image a painting by the fabulously talented and lovely Irene Fastner, Munich)

The Meath based writers group, Boyne Writers, in the form of the excellent Michael Farry (consistently interesting blog here)

When: this Thursday April 15 at 8pm 
Where: The Village Hall, Knightsbridge Village, Longwood Road, Trim

Please come along. It's a small event and the more audience, the merrier. There's an open mic after.
Also tea and biscuits included for you 5 Euro in. What more could you want for a Thursday evening?
I will have copies of the Poetry Divas pamphlet with me, as well a new one of just my poetry, called 'Good Sherry Trifle' if you want a copy.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a smashing event! I'd go but I live in Canada. Maybe you could hook up a webcam of the event?
