Templar have a good flock of poets in their archives. Here's their collection competition.
Short collections of poetry of between 18 and 24 pages.
Poems may be of any length and written in any style. Additional Title & Contents pages should be included with submissions.
Judged anonymously.
Successful poets will be contacted in June 2010.The full results will be posted on the Templar Poetry Website in August 2010.
The poetry must be original work and may have been published previously in magazines, anthologies and other media; but must not have been published as part of a pamphlet or full collection.
Fee: £18. Postal Submission, £20 for Online submission.
Deadline: 8th May 2010.
Prizes: The four winning pamphlets, along with a selection of the best individual poems selected for inclusion in the competition anthology, will be published at the 2010 Derwent Poetry Festival in Derbyshire in November 2010. The festival offers readings to the pamphlet and anthology poets, alongside the Festival guest poets.
Each of the four winners will receive £500, ten complimentary copies of their pamphlet and the option to submit a full collection for later publication.
ALL writers submitting work receive a complimentary copy of the anthology (RRP £8) in October.I think this is a good idea as it gives an indication of the competition.
More details on their website.
Templar produce fantastic pamphlets I love Nuala NĂ ChonchĂșir's 'Portrait of the Artist with a Red car' and Maggie O'Dwyer's 'Yes, I'd Love to Dance' from 2008 is still one of my favourite boks.This would be a great comp to win but at €18/20 out of my price bracket as usual.