Sunday, 20 June 2010

Bridport Competitions

Got a cracker of a story or a poem you threw your whole heart and mind into? Send it to Bridport. The standard is scarily high but someone has to win...

Short Story.
: Zoe Heller

1st = £5000 (approx. 7460 US$, 5589 Euro)
2nd = £1000 (approx. 1490 US$, 1117Euro)
3rd = £500 (approx. 745 US$, 558 Euro)

10 supplementary prizes of £50 each

5000 words maximum (no minimum) The title is NOT included in the word count

Fee: £7 per story

42 lines maximum (no minimum)
The title is NOT included in the line count

Judge: Michael Laskey

1st = £5000 (approx. 7460 US$, 5589 Euro)
2nd = £1000 (approx. 1490 US$, 1117Euro)
3rd = £500 (approx. 745 US$, 558 Euro)

10 supplementary prizes of £50 each

Fee: £6 per poem
Deadline: 30th June 2010.(24.00 Midnight GMT)

1 comment:

  1. My goshlee gee, £6 stelrling pundations per singular pome? Woahza Albert and ishka maninga!

    I'm gonna haf to launch a 'poetry bus prize' and buy a small island off the coast of somewhere polluted by oil and then extract that oil from the sea and sell it at £6 per gallon so that I can enter a few other peottery complemitiotions,or maybe not bother me arse at all and keeps the jingle-me -jangle in me pocket as these glittering prizes things seem to be increasingly irrelevent to poetry as I know and (not) understand it.
