Monday, 7 June 2010

Poem for the Poetry Bus

The bus this week driven by The Weaver on of Grass. On the subject of flora or fauna.

This is one of a sequence on collective nouns. I am not a political poet generally but this puts me in mind of the events in international waters off Gaza.

The Murder of Crows

(removed for rework and submission)


  1. Powerful stuff indeed Kate.
    I honestly don't think there's enough political poetry out there at the moment...

  2. Wonderful! Crows are such fascinating birds, aren't they? I like way your imagery captures their movement and mystery here.

  3. Another dark one Kate... you definitely capture the creepiness of crows there, it's horrible! (in a good way)

  4. I like the metaphorical message in this very much - I was hoping that some passengers would take up the theme of metaphor. Political poetry has always been a strong medium - do hope you write more of it. Thanks for hopping on my bus this week.

  5. WOW this is really black and luxurious ina very creepy way. I love that you have captured the stacatto rhythm of the crow.
    Deeply disturbing but rich and very enjoyable on a rather horrfic kind of way

  6. Ooh! This is a good one! I'm not a fan of politics, generally, but when you use crows, how can I balk?

  7. Liked this very much, and especially that framing with "If I sit completely still,..."

    Yes re Gaza, but this has so many possibilities.
    It is scary.

  8. What a good poem. And as for it's overtones, yes, indeed. And it will apply to many other situations, too: the power of poetry to apply to more than one thing.

  9. Thanks again everyone. Crows remind me of flapping authoritarian figures bearing down on someone small
