Friday, 30 July 2010

Six Word Story

Ernest Hemingway said that his best piece of writing was a six word story - 'For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.'

More recently, Dave Eggers wrote: 'Fifteen years since last professional haircut.'

The Arvon Foundation's theme for 2010 is the six word story and they want you to contribute. Throughout the year they will be collecting six word stories on their website.

Send your six word story to

Or if you're on Twitter you can tweet your story to @arvonfoundation.

Deadline: 1 September 2010.

They'll showcase some on the website.

Judge: poet Karen McCarthy.

Prize: The winners will receive a prize of an Arvon week.

Seems to be free to enter! And unlimited number of entries.

Fiona. Friends. Farida. Facebook. Fight. Fallout.
Bernardine Evaristo

Could've. Should've. Would've. Didn't. Didn't. Didn't.
Paul Farley

Top stair. One push. Game over.
Sophie Duffy


  1. tfe,

    that is true brilliance, now write

  2. titus

    listen carefully, what do you hear?

  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I love schemes liek this and will definitely be contributing.

  4. Hi Simon
    Thanks for dropping by.

    Now write a six word comment

  5. Six words this time! Any better?

  6. Blue Line! Not Mine. You Swine!
