Friday, 6 August 2010

David Manley Emerging Entrepreneur Awards

This is a big BIG prize for any arts organisations that are being entrepreneurial. Last year I think it was This is Pop Baby who won.

The David Manley Emerging Entrepreneur Awards
Calling all creative/arts/cultural entities....

Are you an arts or cultural organisation that is established between 1 and 3 years, or a sole trader with an innovative project or product? If so you could be eligible to enter the David Manley Emerging Entrepreneur Awards which rewards entrepreneurial spirit in the arts, business and social spheres.

The overall winner will receive a prize fund that comprises €10,000 in cash and up to €100,000 worth of services, support and mentoring in a range of business areas from sponsors such as Mason Hayes + Curran, Thesaurus Software, Image Now, Islandbridge, Newmarket Consulting, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Newmarket Partnership, Karan Thompson Consulting Ltd., and gbc Public Relations.

What kind of person is the DMA looking for?
Everyone involved in this unique awards programme volunteers their time and so we look for entrepreneurs who impress and excite us, with a passionate, can-do attitude, full of potential. We want to find someone who embodies the qualities that made David Manley such an iconic person. In return, the sponsors and committee members of the David Manley Awards commit to use their skills and expertise to make a major impact on the success of the winner – we want to make a really big difference, bring them to the next level of success.

Closing Date:
The closing date for the first round is 30th August 2010 and nine short-listed people will then be invited to make a more detailed submission, followed by an interview. The winner will be announced in January 2011.  Further details and information on the entry process can be obtained on Feel free to contact Business to Arts if you would like to talk through your eligibility.

They say:

We know that not all entrepreneurs are good at form filling, and as you’re still emerging, we appreciate that you might not be confident about your business plan yet.
For these reasons, we’re leaving the method of application up to you.
What we’d like is to gauge your vision, your passion and your ability. Below is a set of questions, which we’d like answered/covered in your application, whatever form that takes.

• Tell us about your idea, project or organisation. Consider who it targets, why
it’s needed, what will it take to succeed.
• What is innovative or distinctive about your idea, project or approach?
• What have you and/or your organisation achieved up to now?
• How long have you been in operation, and what activities have already been put in
place. If you are starting up, please give details of your launch/growth plans.
• What is the top priority for your organisation over the next two years?
• Describe who you are and what makes you an entrepreneur?
• What difference will receiving a David Manley Award make to you?

The Awards are open to individuals and companies who have recently participated
or are participating in an enterprise support programme run by an SME enterprise
support agency or are affi liated to Business to Arts or Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.

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