Thursday, 16 December 2010

Cúirt New Writing Prize 2011

3 Categories: Poetry, Fiction, Non Fiction/Memoir

Prize: €500 cash prize and an opportunity to read at Cúirt 2011

* We will only consider entries from writers who have not had a collection of their work published or do not currently have a collection under consideration for publication.

Deadline: Friday 4th February 2011 at 5pm.

Poetry: 3 poems, each under 50 lines

Fiction: up to 2000 words

Non Fiction/Memoir: up to 2000 words

Entries must be sent in hard copy only to:

Cúirt New Writing Prize
Galway Arts Centre
47 Dominick Street
Galway City

An entry fee of €10 is applicable for each entry. This must be a postal order or a bank draft made out to Cúirt International Festival of Literature. (What about a cheque?)

* You must submit 3 copies of your work.
* Entries in both the Irish and English language are welcome.
* In addition to your work we ask that you include the following contact details on a separate sheet: Name, email address, phone number. Please do not type your name on each page you submit as we judge the entries anonymously.
* You may include a short biography of yourself if you so wish. If you do so please do not staple or attach it to your work; place it at the back of the envelope; separate to your work.

For any further enquiries please see:
or email:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information - and thank the lord I've never had a collection published!: How lucky am I!
