Saturday, 12 March 2011

Books I've been reading

Part II in an irregular series.
Books I've read recently and books I forgot to mention last time.
Click on the links to buy at Amazon (and support a starving writer)

Started Early, Took My Dog
Kate Atkinson
Love Kate's writing. Parallel stories interwoven and witty. There's a great dog too.

Skippy Dies
Paul Murray (Paperback - Feb 4, 2010)
Enjoying this - witty, great boy characterisation and sad too. Not 100% convinced by the girl characters, too many problems, not much normality. Longlisted for the Man Booker prize and others.

Invitation to a Sacrifice (Salmon Poetry)
Dave Lordan (Paperback - Jun 30, 2010)
There are some terrific, hard hitting poems here. Also some that probably work better on stage. Lots of Anger. Loud.

Ghost Light
Joe O'Connor 2009
Lyrical writing. Interesting characters but I found the wingeing and complaining a bit much. It's chosen as the One City One Book this year in Dublin which will do wonders for sales.

Sprig Muslin
Miss Georgette Heyer (Paperback - Jun 2, 2005)
Luciously witty regency romance. She's very popular for a reason. Strong girl characters, dashing chaps and period detail.

Heartstone (Matthew Shardlake 5)
C. J. Sansom (Hardcover - Sep 3, 2010)
Tudor crime solved by an ingenious and imperfect humpbacked lawyer. Great reading.


  1. Ah great suggestions, or so it seems, and I need an excuse to treat myself to a new read. Thanks much
