Thursday, 28 April 2011

Call for Papers

Past Imperfect, Present Tense: Creative Writing in contemporary Ireland

The Open University is seeking paper submissions for a one-day conference investigating contemporary writing in Ireland/Northern Ireland. Submissions are sought from writers, postgraduate and undergraduate creative writing students, and teachers of creative writing.

Papers should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Please send a 300 word abstract to
Deadline: 14th May 2011

General enquiries should be sent to

They don't say when the conference is though...


  1. This weekend I am entering my first short story contest, Very excited. Thanks for all the posts about writing opportunities. You have helped keep me motivated !

  2. That's great Donna. Keep me posted but do remember to develop a thick skin. The minute you've sent something out, start something new so you're not obsessing!
