Thursday, 30 June 2011

Irish Poetry Publications Part I

This first published on my blog, Poetry License on

Here is a partial list of publications in Ireland that take poetry. There are quite a few. This is part 1. I'll do a part 2 soon but if you know some I've missed some, please let me know....
Poetry Magazine
Generally I recommend buying and reading a copy of any magazine you are considering sending out to. Not only to judge if your poetry is a good fit, but also to help these journals keep their heads above the financial waters.

Abridged magazine is one of the leading Irish contemporary poetry/art publications and presents in each issue the best of local, national and international poets and artists. The magazine is unique in that the poetry and art are completely integrated and not merely illustrative. Each issue is themed. Submissions on the current theme can be emailed to or posted to: Abridged c/o The Verbal Arts Centre, Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry BT48 6PU

Crannóg Magazine is a thrice-yearly literary journal based in Galway that publishes poetry and fiction from all over.

Cyphers is Ireland's longest running literary magazine. With strong emphasis on creative work it has published poetry, prose, graphics and reviews by many distinguished writers, translators and artists. The magazine is publishes three editions per year. Very slow response time. Postal dress is provided as follows: Cyphers, 3 Selskar Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.

Revival is a Limerick based magazine and accepts submissions of poetry and short fiction or extracts (500 words) from local, national and international poets and writers. Send to: The Editor, Revival, Moravia, Glenmore Ave., Roxboro Rd., Limerick. Email:

Poetry Ireland Review is produced under the auspices of Poetry Ireland in Dublin. Quarterly. It publishes the work of both emerging and established Irish and international poets. Poetry and articles can be submitted. Each contributor receives a fee and a copy of the review in which their work appears. The editor changes regularly.

The Shop magazine was founded by John Wakeman, one-time co-editor/founder of The Rialto, and his wife Hilary. A good deal of attention is paid to the design aspects, leading to a nice looking magazine, as well as putting 'good Irish poetry before its foreign readers, good foreign poetry before its Irish readers.' It's based in Schull, Co Cork.

Southword is a Cork based literary journal featuring poems, fiction and reviews that is now online only. They also have a submissions period so check the website. Poetry will next be accepted 1st-15th July.

The Stinging Fly is a magazine for Irish and international writers, publishing poetry, short stories, reviews and creative non-fiction. Dublin based and fairly urban in outlook. Currently takes submissions January to March only.

Verbal Magazine is based in Derry and distributed free with newspapers from the Johnston Press group in NI. It also goes to libraries, schools, arts, health and community centers. The magazine includes book reviews, new writing, features, and youth pages. Have your work reviewed, or submit yourself- short stories and poems. Verbal covers most genres- popular and literary fiction, non-fiction, childrens, graphic novels.
Submissions: E-mail:


  1. You are Ms Informative! And thorough! Thanks.

  2. Thanks Titus. Part II at a time of my choosing! (Keep reading)
