Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Horizon Review Submissions

 Now you may know that I am not a huge fan of online, free magazines but this one is associated with the independent press Salt.

They are reading now until 15th August.

Horizon is an online review of literature and art. We publish poems, stories, essays, articles and memoir, multimedia pieces (but light on the talking heads please), art reviews, photo essays, and other items of cultural interest. Queries are welcome. The review appears twice yearly, in March and September.

Submission highlights:
We accept submissions only by email, at submissions-horizon@saltpublishing.com.
maximum of six poems or three short stories.
Criticism, memoir and essays should be no more than 3,000 words.
Reviews should be no more than 1,000 words.
75-word biographical note.

If you are not contacted by Salt within 30 days of your submission, your work has not been accepted for publication.

Details here


  1. thanks for the heads up. Why are you not a fan of online, free magazines? They're usually pretty difficult to get into, edited by people with MFAs and generally have good stuff.

  2. Hi Jessica, I guess because for every horizon review there is a plethora of non selective ones publishing tripe. I'm not sure an mfa alone is enough to publish a mag... the financials are always tough.

  3. I love that "if you don't hear from us in 30 days then stop bugging us"

    Well said

  4. Meaning you CAN bug them for the first 30 days!

  5. Many thanks for posting this.
    Dave Duggan

  6. Why thank you Peadar. I have been working out
