Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The Inishbofin Jaunt

The workshop leader and writer Yvonne Cullen  is back on Inishbofin this September running weekend workshops.

Fees for weekends are €170 beginners, €230 developers, and €270 for weekend with guest tutor attached as well as Yvonne. Writing Saloon 'hooleys' and a Poetry Kitchen reading can be expected... And lots of time to explore Bofin properly.

2 - 5 and 9 -12 September

Guest tutor on weekend two: Anthony Glavin.

Email yvonnesworkshops@gmail.com.www or yvonnecullen.wordpress.com


  1. So if I sell three more articles at $250 each I would have enough for one of those special FLY-DRIVE deals for $499 plus a little food.
    Time to get writing

  2. we can but hope, Donna! Drop by and I'll buy you a coffee
