Thursday, 6 October 2011

13th Francis Ledwidge International Poetry Award 2011

I've never really been enticed by the prize for this one.

First prize is the Ledwidge plaque inscribed with the winner's name.  There are cash prizes for second and third prize and the top three winning entries are entered in the Forward Prize UK.  The winner will be asked to read at the annual Francis Ledwidge Commemoration at the National War Memorial Gardens in July 2012.   Commended entries receive certificates. 

Poems must be 40 lines or less, be the writers own work and have never been previously published or broadcast.  
Place your name, address and telephone number on a separate sheet.  
The entry fee is 4 euro per poem and 10 euro for three poems. 

Deadline: Saturday, 5th November 
snailmail only to:

The Francis Ledwidge International Poetry Award 2011,
C/o 43, Emmet Crescent,
Dublin 8.


  1. As the last of the entries to our annual poetry competition are arriving this week I would like to thank everyone who contributed. It looks as though we might equal last year’s exceptionally high number of participants. Good to see entries again this year from Canada and America. The Inchicore Ledwidge Society receive no funding whatsoever and the Society’s expenses for the Competition are met by the entry fees, with any shortfall being made up out of our own personal funds. We have managed to keep the competition going for the past 13 years while a lot of other competitions have ceased to exist from lack of support. Thankfully not everyone who participates is motivated with a desire to get rich quick through writing poetry or entering competitions. Previous winners have expressed their delight in receiving the beautiful Ledwidge Plaque. Moreover they have continued as past winners to compete in future years and also to support our Ledwidge Day Annual Commemoration at Islandbridge.

  2. It's great that your prize has lasted so long. But I do disagree about not paying the poets. No one is in poetry for the money! Ledwidge himself had to do many jobs to earn money but still wrote (and was paid for it)
    Do you pay the plaque maker? Do you pay the pamphlet printers or the guest speakers? Maybe the venue? Or do they all work for free too?

  3. The Ledwidge Society work for free but all expenses ( surprise- surprise ) have to be paid including the plaque (each year, as it is the winner's to keep) and the certs and the pamphlets, etc and all three of the winners are paid. We have been running competitions in Inchicore now for the last 23 years without any funding, but you are welcome to send us a donation if you feel that more should be given. Thank you for the great interest you have shown in our Society. For more information see facebook Inchicoreledwidgesociety
