Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Trocaire Poetry Ireland Competition

An interesting competition, free to enter too. Link here

The Competition has three Categories, with two sub-categories in each
- published poets
- non-published poets
- Junior 1st – 3rd year
- Senior TY – Leaving Certificate
 PRIMARY Schools:
- Junior/3rd & 4th Class
- Senior 5th & 6th Class

In the adult category the entry must be accompanied by a narrative/essay of not more
than 500 words on the reason you would like to visit Trócaire’s work overseas.

In the Primary and Post-primary categories the accompanying essay of not more than
500 should be on the theme of why you would like a writer or overseas visitor to come
to your school.

The competition is open to residents on the Island of Ireland only (32 Counties).
  • John F. Deane, Poet, and former editor of Dedalus Press and founder and Director of Poetry Ireland
  • Éamonn Meehan, Deputy Director of TRÓCAIRE
  • Mary Shine Thompson, former chair of Poetry Ireland and former Dean at St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra (Dublin City University)
Deadline: 11th November 2011
Only one entry per person

There is no entry fee

All poems must have a title and must not be longer than 30 lines excluding the title.

Theme: Entries on the theme: Imagining a just and free world?


  1. hi,my name is meg molloy and i am just wondering who won the competiton!!there are no results up and id like to know

  2. I haven't heard anything and you're not the only one asking. Why not contact poetry ireland yourself and ask?

  3. I came second place in the post primary category :)

  4. Congratulations Josh. Are the results online anywhere?
