Sunday, 20 November 2011

Science and Poetry: Not So Different?

Lecture by my good buddy and all round witty, insightful man, Professor Iggy McGovern, Scientist and Poet

16:30, Thursday 24 November 2011

Seminar Room, Long Room Hub (beside Arts Building), Trinity College Dublin

Friends of the Library €2.50, non-members €5

It is over 50 years since C.P. Snow’s Rede Lecture ‘The Two Cultures’; Snow’s theme was that Western intellectual life had fractured into polar opposite groups of Science and Literature. This lecture examines how that theme plays out today in poetry, noting the recent publication of a number of science poetry anthologies. It looks back to when no distinction existed, traces the beginnings of the fault lines in the 19th century and reviews the developing links of our time. The writing of some scientist- poet hybrids is discussed, including the Irish scientist and poet William Rowan Hamilton and the Czech immunologist and poet Miroslav Holub.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, right up my street! But unfortunately, not up a street near me.
