Thursday, 22 December 2011

Culture Ireland

Culture Ireland’s principal funding scheme is designed to support the presentation and promotion of Irish arts internationally. There are four funding rounds each year. The next deadline is 15 February 2012.

So if anyone from off the island would be interested in a reading or tour from me and/or the Poetry Divas, GET IN TOUCH SOON! And we will try to fit you in to our demanding schedule.

To be eligible for funding the primary purpose of the proposed international visit must be to present the work of Irish artists (including Northern Ireland) at significant international venues and festivals. Proposals are considered for events (e.g. exhibitions, performances or readings) the full costs of which cannot be met by the artist, company or international presenter.

Applications can be made by the local organisation / artist or the international presenter, venue or festival.

Funding Criteria
1. Quality of work and track record of artist / company
2. Level of geographic priority for Culture Ireland
3. Profile of international venue / festival
4. Financial viability of the event (including level of support from presenter / other partners)
5. Proven capacity of applicant to present work internationally
6. Wider promotional and media impact

Eligible Costs
In supporting an event, Culture Ireland will typically offer funding towards the costs of travel / transport and sometimes also accommodation/subsistence, i.e. costs which relate directly to the international presentation of the event. Culture Ireland does not fund fees, production costs, publicity or copyright/royalties.

Full guidance, lists of those who have previously received funding and application details are availabe on the Culture Ireland website.

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