Wednesday, 8 February 2012

TCD Writer Fellow

Each year the School of English at Trinity College Dublin and the Arts Council of Ireland offer a free writing workshop with the current TCD Writer Fellow.

I did one with Eilis Ni Dhuibhne a few years ago.

This year’s Fellow is novelist and playwright, Philip Davison, author of among other works, McKenzie’s Friend and The Long Suit.
Davison will be leading a workshop from 6.00-9.00 on Friday 23 March, and Saturday 24 March 10.00 – 1.00

The workshop continues on Friday 30 March and concludes on Saturday 31 March.

so obviously  you would be wasting everyone's time if you weren't available for all these dates.

Applicants should submit a single piece of prose not exceeding 1,000 words by post to the Oscar Wilde Centre no later than Friday, 9th March.

Irish Writer Fellow Workshop
Oscar Wilde Centre
School of English
Trinity College Dublin
21 Westland Row, Dublin 2

For further information contact


  1. Wat an opportunity this would be. Can you write a bit more about what it was like when you attened?

  2. Hi Donna, We met every week for 8 weeks and all produced lots of fiction. The group is still meeting every month
