Thursday, 15 March 2012

Poetry on the Lake International Competition

Deadline: 15th April 2012

3 Categories:
Open (max.60 lines), adjudicator Gillian Clarke, Welsh National Poet
Formal (max 40 lines) adjudicator Carole Baldock, editor of Orbis
Short (max 10 lines) adjudicator Christopher North

Suggested but not obligatory theme: 'Beastly'
Each adjudicator will read all the poems in his/her category.

Overall winner: Silver Wyvern and €400
Please note: the overall winner will be chosen from the winners of all three categories

Two prizes of €200 each to winners of other two categories.

Three runners-up prizes (one in each category) of €100 each

Prizewinners who come in person will also receive, besides the cash prize, an object of design awarded by Alessi

EXTRA: 10 minute readings at Celebration for all prizewinners present and the first three poems in the Formal category will be offered publication in Orbis.

Postal entries: £5 per poem or €12 for 2 poems or $10 per poem from November till end March.
Postmarked April:£6 or €15 or $15 per poem
Email entries (preferably as Word attachments) to poetryonthelake(at)

£7 per poem or €15 ( for two poems) or $15 per poem.
Critique service: £10 or €15 or $20 per poem, max 40 lines.

Link here

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