Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Cork Literary Review Poetry Manuscript Competition 2012

Bradshaw Books is pleased to announce the launch of the Cork Literary Review Poetry Manuscript Competition 2012

The aim of this competition is to give emerging writers the opportunity to publish their first collection of poetry.

The prize includes:
1. The publication of a first collection by the winning poet.
2. The competition winner and two runners-up will also be featured in Volume XVI of the Cork Literary Review.

This year’s judge is: Joseph Woods, Director of Poetry Ireland

Deadline: 18th May 2012

Submit 5-10 of your best poems.
fee: €20
The poetry competition is open to poets of any nationality writing in English.

More info here

Last year's winner was Cliona O’Connell.
Caveat: I don't think Bradshaw books are very good at publicity....not sure how many books they actually sell. I don't see Cliona's collection, White Space, on the Bradshaw books site. This is my own, personal opinion though!


  1. Psst! Closing date is 19/06!

    "The closing date for the competition is 5.30pm on the 19th June 2012 (deadline extended from 18th May 2012)."

    Also €20 entry fee is a little steep!

  2. Psst! Closing date is 19/06!

    "The closing date for the competition is 5.30pm on the 19th June 2012 (deadline extended from 18th May 2012)."

    Also the €20 entry fee is a little steep!

  3. Thanks Eve. Fees for collections tend to be on the steep side.
