Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Many Salmon Poets

I can't get to this books launch as I am reading myself in Maynooth. If you are not in the environs of Maynooth, but are in the environs of Dublin city centre, get along and see these fab poets.

Salmon Poetry launches four brilliant debut collections of poetry:

Thanks for Nothing, Hippies by Sarah Clancy
Don't Go There by Colm Keegan
The Book of Water by John Murphy
Jewel by Peadar O'Donoghue

Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: The Unitarian Church, 112 St Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2

All are welcome - please join us for what promises to be a fabulous evening of poetry.

A relative newcomer to the poetry world, Sarah Clancy has been writing poetry for just over two years. During this time she has had the good fortune to be shortlisted for several poetry prizes including the Listowel Collection of Poetry Competition and the Patrick Kavanagh Award. Her poems have been published in Revival Poetry Journal, The Stony Thursday Book, The Poetry Bus, Irish Left Review and in translation in Cuadrivio Magazine (Mexico). She was the winner of the Cúirt International Festival of Literature Grand Slam 2011. In Spring 2012 a poem of hers received second prize in the Ballymaloe International Poetry Competition.

Colm Keegan has read and performed his poetry at various festivals, including the Flat Lakes Festival, Electric Picnic and the Festival of World Cultures. He was the All Ireland Slam Poetry Champion in 2010. In 2008 he was shortlisted for the International Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition. In 2011 he was nominated for the Absolut Fringe’s ‘Little Gem’ Award for the play Three Men Talking About Things They Kinda Know About (co-written with Kalle Ryan and Stephen James Smith) which is touring 2012/2013.  He is a poetry/arts reviewer and contributing poet for RTE Radio One’s nightly arts show ARENA and co-founder of ‘Nighthawks at the Cobalt’.

John Murphy lives and works in Dublin. He was educated at Trinity College where he received his Ph.D in 1994. He is a computer scientist and has taught at Dublin City University for the last twenty years. John was shortlisted twice for the Hennessy/Sunday Tribune New Irish Writing prize, he was also shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and specially commended in the Patrick Kavanagh Award. He has won prizes in the Boyle Arts Festival poetry Competition and in the UK in the international Blue Nose poetry competition.

Peadar O’Donoghue has had poems published in Poetry Ireland Review, The SHOp, Revival, Bare Hands Poetry, Can Can, and The Burning Bush. He has also published flash fiction in Ink Sweat and Tears. He founded, runs, and edits The Poetry Bus Magazine, an innovative journal of art, fiction and poetry, accompanied by a CD of the poets reading their work. 

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