Sunday, 17 June 2012

Popshot magazine

Popshot magazine are now taking flash fiction and short stories.

We are now open for literary submissions for Issue 8.

Those of you who will have read the opening editorial in our last issue will have been alerted to the fact that there are changes afoot at Popshot. After seven issues of being a strictly poetry & illustration magazine, we are now widening our remit to include short stories and flash fiction, as well as poetry. We've always been a fan of well written short stories and with an ever increasing platform and audience available to the magazine, now seems like the perfect time to add them into the mix. It's a very exciting move for us and will allow the magazine to become more diverse in terms of content.

If you would like the chance to have your short story or poem published within the pages of the new Popshot Magazine, head to the 'submit' page at our website to read the complete submissions guidelines for Issue 8. Submissions will remain open until July 25th so there's plenty of time to craft your beautifully written poem or short story.

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