Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Chattahoochee Review

The Chattahoochee Review is seeking poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for a special focus issue on Irish Literature to be published in late 2012. 

TCR welcomes submissions of poetry, fiction, flash fiction, drama, and nonfiction—work reflective of a complex and contemporary Ireland—with preference given to poetry that makes careful use of voice and theme, fiction with an imaginative focus on character, and nonfiction that transcends the strictly personal. Both established and new voices encouraged. Writers outside of the U.S. may e-mail submissions to gpccr@gpc.edu, noting the submission's genre and the Irish Lit issue in the subject box. 

All submissions should state the author's name, address, and email on the manuscript and should be accompanied by a short biographical statement. Submissions will be accepted until October 1, 2012, or until issue is filled. We are also considering regular submissions; see below.

Familiarity with our journal is the best way to know whether or not work is right for us. We strongly encourage buying a sample copy or subscribing; the first issue under new editorship is now available for $4 in PDF. Please buy and read it from your inbox before submitting.
Our newly-streamlined response time averages two to three months, longer only in special circumstances. We read year-round.
Send only your very best work with our assurance it will be given every consideration.

TCR publishes high quality literary fiction characterized by interest in language, development of distinctive settings, compelling conflict, and complex, unique characters. Please read a sample copy. Fiction should be double-spaced with numbered pages and one-inch margins. Submit only one story or up to three short-shorts (500-1,000 words each) per envelope. We consider longer stories of up to 6,000 words and novellas.

TCR publishes excellent poetry of all types, including informal personal narratives, prose poems, and formal poems. We consider English translations of poetry from other languages, in which case a brief biography of the poet and translator should be included. Poetry should be single-spaced and include three to five poems per submission.

TCR publishes distinctive topical essays and personal creative nonfiction of any kind; this includes pieces that might fit into the memoir, travel, and historical nonfiction categories. We are not an academic journal and publish for a general readership. Above all, we are interested in publishing nonfiction that surprises and intrigues us.

TCR publishes interviews with writers of all kinds: literary, academic, journalistic, and popular. Recent interviews have featured Tony Grooms, Wells Tower, Larry Brown, Claude Wilkinson, Ferreira Gullar, and Kunal Basu. Please query us (by snail mail) with a proposal for a particular interview.

TCR publishes reviews of current fiction, poetry, and nonfiction books, especially those from writers with an innovative approach to subject matter. Several related works may be reviewed at more length in a review essay that engages critical issues not appropriate to a single review. We are always in search of new reviewers. Please query us (by snail mail) about the possibility of a particular review or review essay, specifying your credentials for the review.

TCR accepts visual art submissions, photography included, by invitation only.


We typically pay $50/poem and $25/page for prose. Payment for reviews, interviews, plays, and art is determined on an individual basis. All contributors receive two copies.

Link here 


  1. "Pardon me Girl, Is that the Chattahoochee Review"

    Love that song!

  2. I know! Just saying Chattahoochee makes me smile
