Monday, 11 November 2013

Pighog Poetry Pamphlet

I am hesitant to suggest this as there is only one winner. There are runner up prizes of courses but they are in the UK and not much use to me.
But there aren't that many pamphlet competitions so....

Publication by Pighog, and 40 complimentary copies of the pamphlet
4 Runners up:
a free place on a Poetry School activity
Catherine Smith and Simon Barraclough
Closing date for initial entries:
31 January 2014

Pamphlet publishing is vital to poetry. For a second year The Poetry School and Pighog have come together to promote this pamphlet competition, encouraging poets to explore the potentials of the genre and create innovative and imaginative new work.

The competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over, writing poetry in English anywhere in the world. Initially, entrants are invited to submit ten poems (or ten sides of poetry on A4). Each entry should be a collection of exciting work that refreshes and challenges the poetry pamphlet genre. Submissions should be no more than 300 lines in total, averaging 30 lines per poem over 10 poems.
The judges will select a shortlist of up to twelve poets by 28 March 2014. Short-listed poets will be asked to submit complete pamphlet collections by 26 May 2014 for final judging. Shortlisted poets will also be invited to read at an event in Brighton on 26 June 2014, when the winner will be announced.

How to enter
Enter online via the Submittable website. Enter by post by completing the attached entry form which can also be downloaded in Word or PDF format from the Poetry School and Pighog websites.

A maximum of 10 poems should be submitted. Poems should be typed on single sides of A4. Each submission should be no more than 300 lines in total.

Entry fee
Entry costs £10 per entry for:
A) Poetry School Students who have attended a course or workshop since 1 January 2011 or who have attended or booked a course by the competition closing date (31 January 2014)
B) Anyone who has purchased a Pighog publication from the Pighog website ( since 1 January 2013
Entry costs £15 for anyone not in Category A or B.

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